handwoven saree

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi silk cotton in off white color having annapakshi and floral bhuttas design all over the saree. Pallu and blouse in green color.

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    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in baby pink color design with thread kattam and handblock prints all over the saree and rich zari designed korvai border. Pallu and blouse in brown color.

  • -11% Off

    Exclusive kanchi korvai silk cotton in baby pink shaded color with fine thread kattam design all over the saree and mango bhutta designed korvai lower border and khadi zari design at top korvai border. Pallu and blouse in dark brown color.

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi silk cotton in deep teal green color having zari kattam filled with small zari bhuttis (laksyam bhuttas) designed body and annapakshi with mango designed border. Pallu and blouse in orange color.

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi silk cotton in red color having zari kattam designed filled with annapakshi and chakram bhuttas on body and annapakshi with chakram zari designed border. Pallu and blouse in karumpachai shaded color.

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in olive green color having thread kattam (podi kattam) all over saree and mango zari designed border. Pallu and blouse in red color.

  • -10% Off

    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in sweet light rosie pink color having thread kattam design all over saree and temple with zari designed korvai . Pallu and blouse in turquoise shaded color.

  • -10% Off

    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in yellow color having thread kattam design all over saree and temple with zari designed korvai . Pallu and blouse in turquoise shaded color.

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    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in pista green color having zari kattam with small puttas filled design all over the saree and rettai pettu with thazhampoo designed korvai border. Pallu and blouse in red color.

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi silk cotton in cocoa brown color and having annapakshi and yaanai small bhuttas all over saree and simple small annapakshi zari designed border. Pallu and blouse in running cocoa brown color.

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    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in deep olive green color and having plain design and ganga jamuna with annapakshi design border. Pallu and blouse in red color.

  • Out of Stock

    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in off white color and having plain design and zari rich designed border. Pallu and blouse in deep maroon color.

  • -14% Off

    Kanchi silk cotton in rani pink color and having iruthalai annapakshi bhuttas all over saree and simple small yaanai zari designed border. Pallu and blouse in running rani pink color.

  • -11% Off

    Kanchi korvai silk cotton in teal green color having zari kattam design all over the saree and rich korvai designed border. Pallu and blouse in caramel shaded color.

  • New -9% Off

    Kanchi silk cotton in pastel light green color having kamadhenu and kalpaviruksha bhuttis design all over saree and simple mango designed border. Pallu and blouse in light punch pink color.